
How to Regularly Spend More Time in God's Word

bible reading, man, scripture, study, devotions, God's Word, sacrament, catholic, church, lutheran, family, kids, devotional, tips, help, guidance, ideas, motivation, learn, growth, spiritual, faith

There are many great reading plans out there - everything from reading through the Bible in a year to reading five minutes a day. When it comes to reading the Bible, it’s helpful to understand three really important points.

First, Scripture is God’s Word to you. It is how the Creator of the universe and King of Kings speaks to you. It is where He declares His love, grace, and mercy and how He guides and matures you in your faith. What an amazing miraculous gift!

Second, reading Scripture is hard work. You read that right. It’s hard work. It takes time, commitment, mental and spiritual focus. For this reason, many of us make excuses, feel guilt for not doing it, or just don’t do it at all. It’s like receiving a letter from someone that loves you dearly and never taking the time to open it. With that said, there are a few easy habits that will make it so much easier for you to be consistent in God’s Word (more on that below).

Third, more important than the quantity of what you read is the quality and regularity. Better to read 5 minutes, 5 days a week, then 25 minutes 1 day a week.

To recap, it’s God’s Word to you, it’s hard work, and it requires consistency. If you understand those three things first, then the following practical suggestions will help you tremendously in spending more time reading the Bible.

practical suggestions:

bible reading, man, scripture, study, devotions, God's Word, sacrament, catholic, church, lutheran, family, kids, devotional, tips, help, guidance, ideas, motivation, learn, growth, spiritual, faith
  1. Place - Find a quiet place to sit where you won’t be interrupted for the next 10 minutes and then shut your phone off (no, really!).

  2. Prepare - Take a deep breath, still your heart and mind, ask God to open your heart and enlighten your eyes to understand His Word.

  3. Read - Read one chapter of whatever book you are reading and one chapter from the Psalms (If you are just starting out reading the Bible, keep it simple and just read the one chapter). Here is a bookmark guide we hand out at Trinity. Don’t try to get all fancy, keep it simple, less is more. Commit to just 10 minutes a day, five days a week to the bookmark plan (updated every month).

  4. Journal - Read with a journal and pen in your hand and jot down any thoughts or questions that come to mind as you are reading. This is a really important step to help you actually process what you are reading.

  5. Prayer - End your time by praying one verse from what you read. For example, Psalm 5:8 says, “Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me.” Pray something like this: “Lord, lead me you in your righteousness, guide me in your ways. Keep me from following the lies of Satan and the temptations of this world. Keep my heart and mind focused on You as I go about my day. Amen.”

  6. Share - Consider sharing with someone else one thing that God taught you or reminded you from you time in His Word.

  7. Ask - If you have questions about what you’re reading, reach out to Pastor Matt, he would love to answer your questions!

May the Lord richly bless you through His Word, strengthen you in the faith, and fill you with His love, peace, and joy!

Check out the previous blog post on this topic: Five reasons I don’t read my Bible and Eight really good reasons I should.

bible reading, man, scripture, study, devotions, God's Word, sacrament, catholic, church, lutheran, family, kids, devotional, tips, help, guidance, ideas, motivation, learn, growth, spiritual, faith