Romans 12: 4-5, “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
Purpose: The Hospitality Team helps create a welcoming and renewing environment by creating a clean, beautiful, and inviting refreshment area.
Responsibilities: To set-up coffee, tea, and refreshment area in the kitchen serving area.
Purpose: The Welcome Team sets the tone for Sunday mornings by creating a space where everyone feels warmly welcomed, known, and encouraged when they walk through the doors.
Responsibilities: Our Hospitality Team Greeters supports the Sunday worship service each week and can expect to help in the following ways:
Set up and tear down tables, materials, signage, and refreshments
Wear a greeting tag (and a smile) to welcome people
Intentionally meet new guests and answer any questions they may have
Engage in conversation and help people feel welcomed
Door Greeter: Opens the door and warmly welcomes members and guests.
Welcome Table Host: Greets members and guests as they enter, ensures everyone is given a bulletin, shares where coffee/treats, bathrooms, and child care is available, answers any other questions people may have.
Purpose: Our Set-Up Team creates a beautiful, reverent, and welcoming sanctuary for the Divine Service.
Responsibilities: Setting up the sound system, chairs, signage, and back wall; and then tears down the space afterward, packing everything up to be ready for the next week.
Purpose: As part of Family Ministry, Trinity Kids partners with families by pointing them to the gospel, equipping parents to make disciples in their homes, and supporting them as they carry out the mission of God.
Responsibilities: Our team disciples children from kindergarten-5th grade during the sermon each week. You can expect to help in a variety of ways including:
Set up and tear down materials, signage, crafts, and snacks.
Teach God’s Word to the children.
Lead in a song and craft during the lesson time.
Lead Teacher: Facilitates their small group activities and provides leadership to the assistants and children in their group.
Assistant Teacher: Assists the Lead Teacher by interacting with the children with enthusiasm and helping to facilitate the group.
Purpose: To lead the congregation in singing songs of praise to the LORD.
To be aware of the the upcoming music listed on the congregational music schedule and be practicing it throughout the week.
On the Sundays you are singing, arrive at 8:45am to help set-up and practice.
Scripture Readers
Purpose: To clearly, reverently, and joyfully read the Word of God in the public gathering of God’s people.
Practice reading out loud your assigned Scripture passage.
Arrive on time for the service.
Come forward to read the passage at the appropriate time.
Altar Guild
Purpose: Work with the pastor to create a reverent, beautiful and welcoming worship environment where God is honored.
Care for the things of worship, the care of worship space, and the care and placement of the furnishings (paraments, brass, candles, etc.) as well as all other appointments and ornaments used in worship.
Assist in the preparation and clean-up of Communion elements, making sure that the altar, pulpit, baptismal font, altar paraments, banners, linens and candles receive proper care.