The Rites and Sacraments of the Lutheran Church
Holy Baptism
Baptism is the entrance right into the Church. It is the place one’s sins are washed away, clothed with Christ’s righteousness, united to Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. If you or your child would like to learn more about receiving the sacrament of baptism, complete this form.
Private Confession
Schedule a time for Private Confession with Pastor.
Whether you’ve been to confession often or just thought about it, it can be a anxious inducing thought. But don’t let nerves or fear hold you back. Confession is a gift from God to His children. Private Confession and Absolution is not a place of condemnation but a place of grace and forgiveness.
What does Confession look like:
Schedule 20-30 minutes to meet in a church sanctuary or a quiet outdoor setting.
The pastor gives a greeting.
Follow the Rite of Private Confession and Absolution.
“Pastor, please hear my confession and pronounce forgiveness in order to fulfill God’s will.”
Pray the General Prayer of Confession, expressing your sorrow for your sins.
“What troubles me particularly is that . . .” Confess those specific sins on your conscious.
Say, “I am sorry for all of this and ask for grace. I want to do better.”
The pastor may gently ask some questions or offer advice to help you in the areas of struggle.
The pastor, by the command of Christ, then absolves you from your sins.
Depart rejoicing in the forgiveness of Christ!
A Neglected Means of Grace, Chapter 10 from Christ’s Church by Bo Giertz
Private Confession and Absolution in the Lutheran Church by Concordia Theological Quarterly (academic journal)
The Forgotten Medicine (short book)
First Communion
Because we believe Holy Communion is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ given for the forgiveness of our sins, we invite all students 7 years older and above to complete a semester long First Communion course. In this time they learn what Holy Communion is, the gift of it, and how to receive it.
STudent Confirmation
Confirmation is a three-year discipleship program focused on helping young people (6th-8th graders) deepen their personal faith identity in Christ and His Church. It is a process undertaken during a significant point in a young persons development into adulthood and culminates in the Rite of Confirmation where they affirm their baptismal faith before the congregation.
During Confirmation, students will complete a study of the Old and New Testament, the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Sacraments, and Luther's Small Catechism. They will also be encouraged to develop habits of Christian formation, such as prayer, Scripture reading, and service.
Confirmation is a launching pad for a life-long journey of following Jesus!
Marriage is a gift from God to all people, not only Christians. However, Christians enter into marriage understanding it reflects Christ and the Church and asking for God’s blessing upon it.
Oil of Anointing for the sick
James 5:14 says, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.”