St. Nicholas Day

St. Nicholas Day, December 6th

Did you know Saint Nicholas was a real person? St. Nicholas lived from A.D. 270 to A.D. 343 and was the bishop of Myra, in present-day Turkey. He was a Christian pastor and served as the bishop in the region. Legend has it that he was known for his generosity to those in need. One story tells of a poor family with three daughters who could never be married because their father didn't have the dowry money needed to arrange marriages for them. Nicholas secretly gave three bags of coins to this family by throwing them down their chimney; according to the legend, these bags landed in the daughter's stockings which were hanging up to dry.

On this day we like to read a book about St. Nicholas (see three good choices below) and discuss ways we can show generosity to others just as St. Nicholas did. This would be a great day to plan an act of service as a family! The favorite activity for the kids is placing their shoes in front of their bedroom doors the night before and finding chocolate coins the next morning! We also like to hang up our stockings on this day remember the story of St. Nicholas.

Three great choices for telling the real story behind Santa Claus:

Collect for Saint Nicholas Day

Almighty Father, lover of souls, who chose your servant Nicholas to be a bishop in the Church, that he might give freely out of the treasures of your grace: make us mindful of the needs of others and, as we have received, so teach us also to give; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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