Easter Sunday
Pastor Matthew shows us how the fact of the resurrection changes the direction of our lives.
Luke 24:1-12
EIGHt Days Later
On the eighth day of Easter Christ appears to the disciples.
John 20:19-31
Peter and Two Charcoal Fires
Jesus works in Peter and our hearts to restore us to Himself, even in our worst failures.
John 21:15-19
Peter Asks About John
Jesus brings freedom from embarrassment and comparison.
John 21:20-23
Jesus our Good Shepherd
Jesus is our Good Shepherd and we are but sheep.
John 10:22-30
Jesus Has Overcome
Jesus has overcome which brings peace and joy even in a world full of troubles.
John 16:23-33
The Ascension of Jesus
The gift and declaration of victory in Jesus’ ascension.
Luke 24:44-53